Savouring the moment


There are days after something big happens when you are out of action.


Because you spent yourself and need recharging.

Because you are regrouping before you decide what next.

Or because you just simply want to savour the moment.


It is the last that sounds extravagant and hence sometimes invites guilt.

It shouldn’t be.


When a peak event in life comes to pass (like a birth or an anniversary or achieving a milestone) there is nothing wrong with stopping all else to relive it in memory, while it is still fresh. While the adrenaline is still lingering in your system and the images are sharp and the taste of happiness strong and all consuming. To do anything else but stop, do nothing and sit with the memories is probably called “rushing through life”. It just does not seem right to do so.

So don’t. Stop. Savour it. It is entirely ok and allowed and acceptable and right to look at the photos and the videos over and over and over again, all day, and do nothing else.

There is always time for the something else. It’s called “tomorrow”.


Much Love,

Eliza Do Little (especially when there are so many amazing memories to savour)

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