New Year’s Resolution without the “s”

File 02-01-2018, 10 58 45

That time of year. The start of a fresh cycle invites intentions for change – the things we want to do, be, learn, see and experience in all aspects of our lives – home, work, temple, city. We call them New Year’s Resolutions.

So we indulge. In endless possibilities.

Because the truth is, we can do, be, learn, see and experience anything! But not everything.

Which is the catch.

Make it a list and it will not happen. Enthusiasm will fade. Resolve will dissolve.But make it just one and wait and see.

If you know, for sure, what is the one thing, above all else, that you would like to change, the one thing that you would like to do, be, learn, see or experience you will pursue it because it matters that much. To make things happen you need to aim to do little.

As it happens “resolution” comes from Latin and the origin of the word means “to loosen, to release”. So it’s time to release the grand intentions. Don’t try to do it all. It’s just not possible to do everything.

Which is why do the anything. The one resolution. Without an s. What is it?


Much Love,

Eliza Do Little






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