Going Part-time


Today is the last day of the last month that I ever worked full time. I hope. Because from tomorrow, October 1st, I am officially a Part-Timer. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that. I look forward to my first “Out of office” which reads “I work part time and will only be able to attend to your email next Monday”.

It’s been on the cards for a while. I am scaling down.

I did go through a wobble a couple of months ago about “but how would I manage with less money”? It does feel a little coo coo banana to be turning down regular income when indoctrinated with the belief that chasing the money is where it’s that. That wobble’s fizzled out. I’ll just have to buy less avocado, which is, as we all know, where a fifth of our income goes to these days.

The flipside of it is way more exciting though: “what will I do with the extra free time?”

Loads! I can tell you that much. Not necessarily loads loads; just the type of stuff that means Loads, matters Loads, and fills me with joy Loads. You know the stuff that you do “out of the office”? That.

I am excited to be doing less to be doing more.

I can’t believe I didn’t think of that one earlier!


Much Love,

Eliza Do Little, for example do it Part-time, so you can make room for what matters most