Creating in the empty

I happen to blog on Sundays. Why? Because that’s my empty time. I have a “no work on Sundays” rule because no work is ever that important that it cannot wait for me to recharge. On Sundays I am just a spare part doing absolutely nothing except rolling in spare time.

Curiously, something is usually born for me out of that nothing. That’s where creativity lives – in that empty.

My humble creations (be it literary, culinary or artistic) are born out of a whole lot of nothing and a whole lot of empty. From the void of no rush, no appointments, no “To do” lists, no clock watching. From an empty mind, empty schedule and borderline boredom.

To allow for something to bubble up to the surface and take shape through you, you have to allow for periods of doing very little. You have to allow for sitting back and watching space.

The euphoria of creating, which is magnetic and all consuming and satisfying and raw, needs your availability to show up.

Sometimes do little. Meet it there.

Who knows what kind of brilliant outcome your encounter might give rise to. But it needs to find you empty to fill you up.

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Much love,

Eliza Do Little. So you can have the space and time to create.


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